The next JAGA Directors’ meeting is at Windy Harbor on February 23 at 10:00 am. THE JAGA WEBSITE IS NOW OPEN FOR REGISTRATION. Since Windy Harbor is on a naval base, entrance is restricted.
If you have a retired military card or have a membership at Windy Harbor ( MWR CARD), you may enter with those cards. For all others to enter requires a security review. Information needed is Full name, Date of Birth and your social security number. Bunky Johnson has some of this information on file from when we last met at Windy Harbor. Many of you confirmed with Bunky at the San Jose meeting that you will be attending and either the information was on file or you supplied the information to Bunky.
Here is the process we will follow for sign ups for the meeting:
1) Sign up on the JAGA website as usual providing the usual information.
2) If you need to go through the security process, you will need to supply the information needed to Bunky Johnson at Since there are legitimate concerns about sending social security numbers via email, Bunky has agreed that you may call him with the information on 904 553 7177. ( Both Bunky’s email and phone number are on the JAGA Directory website also)
3) Sign up will close at 9:00 am on February 7. We need this time to allow the security review to be conducted.
I will review the the registration information every few days and will confirm with Bunky that you are on the submittal list for the security review and, if not, email you to supply the information to Bunky.